
Because tsunamis travel up rivers, even places far from the sea can be flooded. Also, a tsunami traveling up stream can be as fast as a person running at full speed.Tsunamis come repeatedly.Even after a tsunami recedes, it is very dangerous to return to the coast.Debris and buildings will be swept awayA suddenly receding tide is often believed to be a sign of a tsunami, but this is not always the case; tsunamis can occur even without this phenomenon.EEaarrtthhqquuaakkeess67A tsunami hazard map is a map showing the area and depth of inundation by the tsunami that is expected to impact Kakogawa in the event of a Nankai Trough earthquake (a trench-type earthquake). This map is based on the results of Hyogo Prefecture's tsunami simulation.The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake generated a huge tsunami that exceeded prior expectations and caused extensive damage to the coastal areas of eastern Japan. Although Kakogawa's tsunami damage forecast is limited to a few areas, it is impossible to predict when a large tsunami will occur. In the event of a Nankai Trough earthquake, it is estimated that a tsunami could cause water levels to rise by 1 meter in just 113 minutes. However, a tsunami of less than 1 meter (first wave) could hit within 10 to 20 minutes after an earthquake. To protect yourself from tsunamis, it is vital to evacuate as far away from the coast and to the highest ground possible as quickly as you can.It's advisable to imagine how much damage may result from a tsunami occurring to help you consider what you would do in response and how you can prepare on a daily basis.A large percentage of the hypocenter of the Nankai Trough earthquake will be located in the ocean, meaning that the resulting tsunami is expected to impact a wide area. Also, unlike in the past, today the coast is lined with high-rise structures. If a tsunami strikes after a house, building, or other large structure collapses due to an earthquake, large debris will be mixed with the tsunami water, creating an even bigger impact.If an earthquake occurs while you are in a coastal area, evacuate to high ground as far away from the coast as possible.Upstream of riversNot just one waveCombined Earthquake and TsunamiTsunami Hazard MapTsunami Hazard MapWhat is a tsunami hazard map?Particularly dangerous areas

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