
③hguorknaNai TAssumed EarthquakeReference① The oceanic plate moves toward the land plate at the rate of a few centimeters per year and burrows underneath it.② The tip of the plate on the land side is dragged downwards, and strain accumulates.③ When the strain reaches its limit, the plate on the land side bursts up, causing an earthquake. This movement may cause tsunami.Land plateEarthquake NameNankai Trough EarthquakeTohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake (Great East Japan Earthquake)Accumulating strainOceanic plateEarthquake Scale (Magnitude)8.0 to 9.0 class9.0Source: Nankai Trough Mega Earthquake Model Study GroupProbability of earthquake occurring within the next 30 years70% to 80%Earthquake occursBursts upwardsTsunami occurs10% to 20% (Probability just before occurrence)Source: Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (base date of calculation: January 1, 2020)NorthEEaarrtthhqquuaakkeess61An earthquake hazard map is a map that shows the degree of seismic intensity (shaking) caused by earthquakes that may occur in the city. These maps are based on the results of the Hyogo Prefecture's earthquake damage estimates.The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in East Japan was a trench-type earthquake. The probability of a trench-type earthquake (with a hypocenter in the Nankai Trough) occurring in Kakogawa is said to be very high. By comparison, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995 was caused by an active in-land fault. Kakogawa is also expected to suffer significant damage when an earthquake occurs in the Yamasaki Fault Zone.It's a good idea to imagine how much damage may result from an earthquake occurring to help you consider what you would do in response and how you can prepare on a daily basis.Trench earthquakes occur when oceanic plates burrow below land plates. Energy from this strain accumulates at the point where the plates meet. When the energy peaks, the plate bursts upwards in an attempt to return to its original position.Trench earthquakes are known to be cyclic, and there is a high probability of an earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough in the near future. In the wake of the Tohoku Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011, the national and prefectural governments have been working to prepare for the possibility of an unimaginably large earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough.Estimates of the damage have been publicized and measures are being taken to address it.About Trench-Type EarthquakesThe Mechanism of Trench-Type Earthquakes①~②Regarding Nankai Trough EarthquakeTrench-Type Earthquake Hazard MapTrench-Type Earthquake Hazard MapWhat is an earthquake hazard map?

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